Bruce Bo Ding

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What's Up: 2020 Week 25



  1. The architect Christopher Alexander on how to design a room that people love:
    Light on two sides of every room. When they have a choice, people will always gravitate to those rooms which have light on two sides, and leave the rooms which are lit only from one side unused and empty. This pattern, perhaps more than any other single pattern, determines the success or failure of a room. The arrangement of daylight in a room, and the presence of windows on two sides, is fundamental. If you build a room with light on one side only, you can be almost certain that you are wasting your money. People will stay out of that room if they can possibly avoid it... The importance of this pattern lies partly in the social atmosphere it creates in the room. Rooms lit on two sides, with natural light, create less glare around people and objects; this lets us see things more intricately; and most important, it allows us to read in detail the minute expressions that flash across people's faces, the motion of their hands ... and thereby understand, more clearly, the meaning they are after. The light on two sides allows people to understand each other.
    Source: A Pattern Language

  2. 不可能的协商

  3. 邮箱服务 HEY 的 iOS 客户端因为没有使用苹果内购而遭到下架,引发了 HEY 团队的反击以及各路人士的讨论。目前,使用苹果内购要被苹果收取30%的「渠道费」,而如果使用苹果内购是一种强制而不是选择的话,这是否合理呢?
    另外,Walt Mossberg 提到的这个小故事也挺有意思:there’s a history to this. Before the App Store, carriers controlled which apps would make it onto phones, and often took most of the revenue - 50%, 70%, more. I was there when Steve Jobs announced Apple would take only 30% and a room full of developers cheered.

  4. In September 1946, Albert Einstein called racism America’s “worst disease.” Earlier that year, he told students and faculty at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the oldest Black college in the Western world, that racial segregation was “not a disease of colored people, but a disease of white people, adding, “I will not remain silent about it.” When Albert Einstein moved to America, he was disappointed to see how black people were being treated. Even in his new hometown of Princeton, he observed separation of the white and black societies. Einstein thought of segregation as “unacceptable.” Albert Einstein rarely accepted honorary doctorates but he did so for Lincoln University, a small historically black college in Pennsylvania in 1946. He also gave a lecture before a small group of students who are seen with him in the photo.

  5. 按照国际法惯例,某国在别国设立的大使馆所在的物理空间属于该国领土;未来是不是也要算上虚拟空间呢?(比如,借用wecheck平台发布的七国声明,是否具有审查豁免权呢?)

  6. 因为人们在说话的时候,会带动空气震动,导致房间里的灯泡随之发生微小的震动。通过捕捉这些微小的灯光变化,研究人员可以复原房间里的对话。 (结合之前提到的,用手机里的陀螺仪来监听的技术,越来越多曾经无用的微信息现在正在被利用,我们甚至不知道这些信息可能蕴含什么内容。)