Bruce Bo Ding

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What's Up: 2020 Week 24




  1. 虽然在日常交往中的作用区别很大,但是在归因这件事上,因为偏见而产生的错误与因为政治正确而产生的错误,其实都一样是confirmation bias,并没有谁比谁更好。此外,因为我们太过依赖本来就无法证明因果关系的数据,使得大量数据都可以随意被解读。「数据不重要,对数据的解读才重要」这句话本身没错,只是如何解读并不是一个不言自明的领域。甚至可以说,因果关系是当代Agnosticism的核心问题。
    再比如,单纯以「各大电影节入围的女性导演人数很少」作为理由来批评「评审不公」是否真的有效?如果我们可以同意,电影节的评审主要是看作品质量的话,那么我们实际要问的是,女性入围者少是因为作品不行,还是因为她们被不公正地对待了?是不是去做 未公开上映 且 制作规模没有大到人尽皆知 的作品的双盲评审,会比较能实现我们想要的「公正」?而不是只引用一个数字就认为结论「不言自明」? 可问题还有更深一层,上述的「不行」与「不公正」也很可能是因为评审的审美已经定型,就是无法理解女性艺术家的某些独特的价值,或者认为这些价值不够重要,那么即使评审本着一颗「公正」的心,却仍然会作出偏颇的判断。这种现象不仅出现在男性身上也出现在女性身上,那么即使是「双盲」可能结果还是偏颇的。但是反过来只要求「数量」的结果也只会造成评审为了「看似公正」作出虚伪的评判。一个佐证就是关于女性作品的讨论和解读还远远落后,很多点评真的就只是一种「客气」。

  2. 恩宁路中段的恩宁公馆,铺形是西关骑楼的二层样式,后人继承此宅之后,把它改成了咖啡厅,又因此改名“公啡”。不知道他们知不知道曾经那家在上海北四川路上的“公啡”,那个召开了左联第一次筹备会议的咖啡馆。

  3. 由区块链服务发展联盟(背后是国家信息中心、银联和中移动)和中国移动创客马拉松大赛组委会主办的区块链开发者大赛,明确要求参赛方案不能使用公有链技术,必须基于联盟链或者私有链架构,且不得设计虚拟币或数字资产。 第一名是一个基于区块链的医药跟踪监管平台。不知道是不是我自己不太懂,但从方案PPT上看,除了信息上链,这个方案能实现什么新功能呀?以及这个监管思路应算是集中制的,这种监管方式真的需要「分布式数据库」么?

  4. PaperClip出了关于民法典的一期视频,但这期视频却可能也是他们做的最差的一期。(当然,对他们因为要表忠求存或是要恰饭而这么做,我是可以理解的。)而这也再次证明,思考和跑步的区别就在于:跑步的时候,不管跑道在哪,都可以跑得很快,而思考如果有了「跑道」,就无法思考也不需要思考了。

  5. 突然意识到自己竟然还会时常使用百度搜索,主要是为了查询某个外文信息在中文世界里的表达。原理是百度搜索作为一个局域网搜索引擎,不管输入什么内容都会优先搜索中文内容。不知道算不算烂饭细吃。

  6. 一直苦于没有好用的香港粤语用语词典,粤典可以暂为解渴。

  7. 从香港的一个判例来看,媒体报道中的「不偏不倚」是什么意思?

    “Due impartiality also does not require absolute neutrality on every issue of public concern or detachment from such fundamental principles as freedom, human rights, democracy, and the rule of law – principles which are essential to a just and open society. We will be failing in our duty if in the attempt to upset no-one, to disturb no institution, we limit the comprehensiveness and open examination of issues and events.”
    The concept of ‘impartiality’ is a broad concept. In my judgment, a code of practice that requires all factual programmes dealing with matters of public policy or controversial public issues to be appropriately impartial may still comply with the constitutional requirement to uphold freedom of speech and expression if the term is given a broad and suitably equitable meaning.
    The word ‘impartial’ encompasses, of course, the concept of being balanced, of not favouring one side more than another. In certain circumstances, that may in a television programme demand the putting of both sides of the story. But the word also means ‘unprejudiced, unbiased, fair’ : The Shorter Oxford Dictionary (6th Ed).
    Impartiality, therefore, may demand no more than that the subject matter is dealt with fairly; that no prejudice is shown – either for or against – matters that are portrayed. Indeed, it may be said that such treatment is one of the hallmarks of documentary film-making.
    In my judgment, in the broad language used, the prevailing code of practice recognises, or at least allows for, a presentation which is impartial simply because it is fair and not prejudiced either for or against the issues raised. That, I believe, is provided for in the prevailing code of practice :
    “Due impartiality requires the licensees to deal even-handedly when opposing points of view are presented in a programme. Balance should be sought through the presentation, as far as possible, of principal relevant viewpoints on matters of public importance. Programmes should not be slanted by the concealment of facts or by misleading emphasis. … In achieving due impartiality, the term ‘due’ is to be interpreted as meaning adequate or appropriate to the nature of the subject and the type of programme. Due impartiality does not mean that ‘balance’ is required in the sense of equal time or an equal number of lines in the script being devoted to each view, nor does it require absolute neutrality on every controversial issue. Judgement will always be called for by the licensees.”